Zigbee Technology: A Comprehensive Review of its History, Technology, Applications, and Future Directions

Zigbee is a low-power, low-data-rate wireless communication technology that has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its ability to enable wireless communication between devices over short distances. In this article, we will delve into the history of Zigbee, its technology, applications, and future directions, providing a comprehensive review of this exciting technology. History of Zigbee The concept of Zigbee was first introduced in the late 1990s by a group of companies, including Motorola, Intel, and Philips, who formed the Zigbee Alliance. The goal of the alliance was to develop a wireless communication technology that could enable low-power, low-data-rate communication between devices over short distances. The first Zigbee standard, Zigbee 1.0, was released in 2004, followed by subsequent updates, including Zigbee 1.1, Zigbee 1.2, and Zigbee 3.0. Zigbee Technology Zigbee is a wireless communication technology that operates on the 2.4 GHz frequency band, using a mesh networking topology. The technology is designed to enable low-power, low-data-rate communication between devices, making it ideal for applications that require low power consumption and low data transfer rates. Zigbee devices can operate in one of three modes: coordinator, router, and end device. The coordinator is the central device that manages the network, while routers act as intermediaries to extend the range of the network. End devices are the devices that communicate with the coordinator and routers to exchange data. Zigbee technology has several advantages, including: Low power consumption: Zigbee devices can operate for years on a single battery, making them ideal for battery-powered… Read more

WiFi Positioning System – Using Python and Google Geolocation API

I consider there is these following steps involved for such a program. I will keep this as a documentation as well as a progress report to keep track of the project. Reading all the required information Reading SSID in MAC Using Airport Shell command Here is how it should look: [viraldownloader id=180] Reading SSID in Linux (Ubuntu), Windows identify shell command for linux/Ubuntu identify shell command for windows Parsing them in JSON format Parsing information into required information into prescribed format CURL and Get the Location information in JSON Parse it and display on google Building a GUI Here is the gitHub repository for the project that I am working on. https://github.com/akrv/pyWPSLocalisation Feel free to contribute/contact it is interesting for you aswin[at]southpaw.in