Yup, just like always open the terminal and put in the following to find the dev path of the SD card. diskutil list NO NAME with ID disk5 is what we will have to unmount diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk5 Now, copy the data to the SD card using the dd command on the terminal after to cd into the folder where you have downloaded the image. Usually its in the downloads folder when you do it with safari. sudo dd bs=1m if=2015-05-05-raspbian-wheezy.img of=/dev/rdisk5 After sometime the terminal cursor blinks, it will look like the following image when it is successful. I didn’t come across the error from the actual source page, but when it does, look it up here -> Official Documentation (which is also my source) as the title says, lets hit the raspberryPi with the new card and kick on with some electrons!
Month: October 2023
decentralized and distributed systems
Pointers for distributed vs decentralised: Some bookmarks to read if you are a distributed systems researcher [1] A decentralized system is a subset of a distributed system. The primary difference is how/where the “decision” is made and how the information is shared throughout the control nodes in the system. Decentralized means that there is no single point where the decision is made. Every node makes a decision for it’s own behaviour and the resulting system behaviour is the aggregate response. A key characteristic of decentral systems is that typically no single node will have complete system information. “Distributed means that the processing is shared across multiple nodes, but the decisions may still be centralized and use complete system knowledge” says coinbase in their blog post A scenario to think of: Some control algorithms I’ve seen for multiple quad-copter control are purely distributed in that a central over-seer gives optimization problems to each copter to solve then return the solution. The over-seer will then issue commands based on the aggregate result. Here’s a philosophical question: if the over-seer is “voted” into office by the nodes, is it decentralized or centralized? I’d have to say decentralized, but it is arguable says MaRi Eagar then I tend to ask what is distributed systems? Keywords that matter when you start the debate (here central systems are included): [2] Points of Failure / Maintenance Fault Tolerance / Stability Scalability / Max Population Ease of development / Creation Evolution / Diversity References: What is the difference between decentralized and distributed systems?… Read more