Yup, just like always open the terminal and put in the following to find the dev path of the SD card.
diskutil list
NO NAME with ID disk5 is what we will have to unmount
Now, copy the data to the SD card using the dd command on the terminal after to cd into the folder where you have downloaded the image. Usually its in the downloads folder when you do it with safari.
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk5
sudo dd bs=1m if=2015-05-05-raspbian-wheezy.img of=/dev/rdisk5
After sometime the terminal cursor blinks, it will look like the following image when it is successful. I didn’t come across the error from the actual source page, but when it does, look it up here -> Official Documentation (which is also my source)
as the title says, lets hit the raspberryPi with the new card and kick on with some electrons!