Installing nodejs npm root problems will be solved chown $USER -R /home/ That above line runs the chown command to own a directory to make R/W changes. install yo, bower, grunt and its components npm install -g yo bower grunt grunt-cli now installing the web app scaffolding called the yo generator
Web Bluetooth Notifications Sample
The Web Bluetooth API lets websites discover and communicate with devices over the Bluetooth 4 wireless standard using the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT). It is currently partially implemented in Android M, Chrome OS, Mac, and Windows 10. This sample illustrates the use of the Web Bluetooth API to start and stop characteristic notifications from a nearby Bluetooth Low Energy Device. You may want to try this demo with the BLE Peripheral Simulator App from the Google Play Store and check out the Notifications (Async Await) sample. var myCharacteristic; function onStartButtonClick() { let serviceUuid = document.querySelector(‘#service’).value; if (serviceUuid.startsWith(‘0x’)) { serviceUuid = parseInt(serviceUuid); } let characteristicUuid = document.querySelector(‘#characteristic’).value; if (characteristicUuid.startsWith(‘0x’)) { characteristicUuid = parseInt(characteristicUuid); } log(‘Requesting Bluetooth Device…’); navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice({filters: [{services: [serviceUuid]}]}) .then(device => { log(‘Connecting to GATT Server…’); return device.gatt.connect(); }) .then(server => { log(‘Getting Service…’); return server.getPrimaryService(serviceUuid); }) .then(service => { log(‘Getting Characteristic…’); return service.getCharacteristic(characteristicUuid); }) .then(characteristic => { myCharacteristic = characteristic; return myCharacteristic.startNotifications().then(_ => { log(‘> Notifications started’); myCharacteristic.addEventListener(‘characteristicvaluechanged’, handleNotifications); }); }) .catch(error => { log(‘Argh! ‘ + error); }); } function onStopButtonClick() { if (myCharacteristic) { myCharacteristic.stopNotifications() .then(_ => { log(‘> Notifications stopped’); myCharacteristic.removeEventListener(‘characteristicvaluechanged’, handleNotifications); }) .catch(error => { log(‘Argh! ‘ + error); }); } } function handleNotifications(event) { let value =; let a = []; // Convert raw data bytes to hex values just for the sake of showing something. // In the “real” world, you’d use data.getUint8, data.getUint16 or even // TextDecoder to process raw data bytes. for (let i = 0; i < value.byteLength; i++)… Read more
Publication Survey: Security Considerations For Bluetooth Smart Devices
Bluetooth Smart is an emerging short range wireless technology aimed for low power devices. Bluetooth 4.2 core specification provides various methods to secure the communication between devices and establish trusted connections. This paper describes the design considerations to secure the Bluetooth smart devices. 1. Introduction Bluetooth smart (also known as Bluetooth low energy or BLE) is introduced in the legacy Bluetooth 4.0 specification by Bluetooth special interest group. Bluetooth smart is primarily designed for low power embedded devices with limited computation capabilities. With expeditious growth in the IoT technology, Bluetooth Low Energy Module has become substantiate criterion for the smart devices. Bluetooth specification supports the asymmetrical architecture of the LE devices. Memory and processing power requirements of peripheral devices are much lower than the central. This will be a great advantage in case of single mode – peripheral only devices. Device that acts always as peripheral can be designed with low memory, longer battery life and low power consumption. Low power smart wearable devices available in market such as Bluetooth heart rate monitors, blood pressure monitors, fitness kit, smart watches etc. run on a small coin cell battery for years. 2. Low energy, Low security Like any other wireless technology, BLE is no exception from security threats. While Bluetooth LE beacons bring lots of potential in the IOT design, security threats such as device tracking, eaves dropping, and man in the middle attack are increasing significantly. BLE devices are designed to broadcast MAC, UUID and service information’s at a predefined… Read more
Poking a dream with reality: Status of publishing industry [Part 1]
[toc] It is inevitable to embrace technology to deliver content. It is indisputable to adapt to new models of content delivery. It is antique to stick to cults of content delivery. There must be an interesting hybrid. Evolved to survive, transformed in aspects that cannot be changed and stands strong on the ideals of the industry. Intent To understand the revolution already took place in this industry to generate a new business model. To embrace technology as deliverance for the dying traditional methods. Stages of publishing pre-production editorial: of course, the most important stage where the whole success story lies. [cite importance] [investigation of tasks involved] design: as required by content and highly demanded by marketing [cite importance] [investigation of tasks involved] sales and marketing: sales required by modes on content delivery and [cite importance] [investigation of tasks involved] modes of content delivery printing, binding and distribution eBooks Amazon Kindle playbooks standard web tools with security for reducing piracy. Reason for a new publishing model [4] The decline of print media has been explored endlessly. Everyone is agreed that the traditional business model is broken. And most people agree that there is no silver bullet that will solve the problems facing publishers in this new environment. To summarize the new reality: Print circulation is declining across the board, and in many cases will become unsustainable as a mass distribution channel. Advertising revenue in the print medium is declining rapidly, and advertising overall is becoming fragmented across many types of properties, including social… Read more
Zigbee© implementation using Zstack and SmartRF 05 Evaluation Kit
demonstration successful binding of the devices CC2531 device running as the ZigBee Coordinator overview of the project Apparatus: CC2540 Development Kit 2 SmartRF05 Evaluation Boards 2 CC2530 Boards 1 CC2531 USB stick Raspberry Pi is used instead of computer for deploying this project. Required Software: SmartRF studio SmartRF Flash Programmer Ztool and its sample programs IAR Embedded workbench – Compiler for Zstack Recommended Hardware: (which I use) FDTI cable 3v3 (2 would be nice) USB Hub CC Debugger
A Simple Guide to Zigbee Wireless Networking
As computer communication professionals, we are well aware of the significance of wireless communication protocols in today’s connected world. Among the numerous wireless protocols available, Zigbee has emerged as a popular choice for low-power, low-data-rate applications. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of the Zigbee protocol, its architecture, and how to implement a Zigbee-based network. What is Zigbee? Zigbee is a low-power, low-data-rate wireless communication protocol based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. It operates on the 2.4 GHz frequency band and has a data transfer rate of up to 250 kbps. Zigbee is designed for applications that require low power consumption, low cost, and low complexity, making it an ideal choice for IoT devices, home automation, and industrial control systems. Zigbee Protocol Architecture The Zigbee protocol architecture consists of three layers: the Physical Layer (PHY), the Media Access Control Layer (MAC), and the Application Layer (APL). Physical Layer (PHY): The PHY layer is responsible for transmitting and receiving raw data bits over the wireless channel. It defines the modulation scheme, data rate, and transmission power.Media Access Control Layer (MAC): The MAC layer is responsible for controlling access to the wireless channel, managing data transmission and reception, and providing error detection and correction mechanisms.Application Layer (APL): The APL layer provides services to the application, including data encryption, device management, and network formation. Zigbee Network Topology Zigbee supports three network topologies: Star, Tree, and Mesh. Star Topology: In a star topology, a single device acts as the coordinator,… Read more
Invited talks
Listed for the good times I have had being there! Symposium on Blockchain for Robotic Systems Local Hackday, FH Dortmund – 3.12.2016 Invited Moderator for Global Student Forum – Dubai Invited moderator for a panel in WEEF 2015 – Dubai Invited Moderator Global Student Forum – Colombia Invited moderator for Global Student Forum – India
Proximity Communication Technologies: A Comprehensive Review
Proximity communication technologies have revolutionized the way devices interact with each other, enabling seamless data transfer and communication over short distances. These technologies have become an essential part of our daily lives, powering a wide range of applications, from wireless keyboards and headsets to mobile payments and smart homes. In this article, we will delve into the world of proximity communication technologies, exploring the principles, applications, and future directions of Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Near Field Communication (NFC), and other related technologies. Bluetooth Technology Bluetooth is a personal area network (PAN) technology that enables wireless communication between devices over short distances, typically up to 10 meters. Operating in the 2.4 GHz frequency band, Bluetooth devices can transfer data at speeds of up to 720 kbps. Bluetooth technology is widely used in computer peripherals, such as wireless keyboards, mice, and headsets, as well as in mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Bluetooth devices can operate in one of two modes: master or slave. A master device can connect to multiple slave devices, enabling data transfer and control. Bluetooth technology has several advantages, including low power consumption, low cost, and simplicity. However, it also has some limitations, such as limited range and data transfer speed. Wi-Fi Technology Wi-Fi is a local area network (LAN) technology that enables wireless communication between devices over longer distances, typically up to several hundred meters. Operating in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands, Wi-Fi devices can transfer data at speeds of up to several hundred Mbps…. Read more
How To Write a PhD topic
Why Do Research? Thrill of finding out something that no-one else has done before you Being a pioneer Becoming a world-class expert in cutting-edge topics References: How To Write a Good (no, Great) PhD Dissertation
Best practices in managing mid-size R&D teams
I have spent several years as a Team Leader (also known as an Engineering Manager), heading up teams of about 4–6 developers from different backgrounds, seniority levels, and abilities. The first time I led a team was during my army service as an officer in the elite 8200 unit. I oversaw a team of brilliant aspiring software engineers and our work revolved around making sure the right information made its way to the right places, at the right time. While being a developer in the army is the dream of many young adults, this dream is usually accompanied by many responsibilities, in addition to those typical army-related duties. Managing people is challenging enough, without having to deal with other “side” distractions; soldiers who are currently on duty the exact moment you discover a bug in production, soldiers who are sick and, therefore, get sent home (also known as “gimelim”), or even soldiers who fulfilled their army duty and moved to work at a high-tech company or started their degrees. While little “blips in the radar” are common among any regular R&D team, it’s important to realize that you can usually ask the relevant person to fix the issue, have them log in from home, or from anywhere else they may be. Dual ownership to the rescue! Having to ‘manage my soldiers’ chores, vacations, sick days, etc. in addition to routine engineering activities, forced me to adopt the first guideline on my best practices list: dual ownership! Let me explain; every… Read more